Friday, December 25, 2009


I am so excited for Christmas i received: a new violin, colored contacts, new moon poster, soap, a awesome slinky 40 dollars, a whole bunch of cute clothes and lots more!!!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

soooooooooo excited

i am so excited for Christmas... my cousin and great grandfather are coming up to celebrate it with us.
it has been rather chilly lately and that makes the season even more enjoyable because, all of my cute clothes and accessories are for the colder seasons.
even though the first day of winter break hasn't even come yet, i am so excited to return back to school. i don't know why but school is really fun for me....!


Monday, November 23, 2009

i am so bored

i have nothing to do well i do i just dont want to do andything... i feel like having a sleepover..... oh but wait, my friend is grounded and my other really close friend is in Michigan!!! and it is cold and boring here. i want to go hang out with my boyfriend but i dont feel like going all the way to his house .... i wish he could come to my house and invite me to go and take a walk with him or somthing!!! idk im going to go run a mile.... i have to stay in shape for my athletic team good bye

Sunday, November 8, 2009


i am so tired.... got up early this morning so i could do some homework. so far a haven't even touched it one hour later. i cleaned my room, and painted my nails, and now, i am obviously on my blog. i have a science project due tomorrow, and my algebra I teacher said that she was going to "put all of us on the spot" and make us go up to the board and each do a problem. ahhhh even though i know the material thoroughly, i am still slightly nervous..... well i guess i should go and look over the material if i feel nervous about it to reassure myself. lol

Monday, October 12, 2009



HAPPYCOLUMBUS DAY EVERYONE!!! Actually it is vikings day only because they were the real discovers of America but that doesn't really matter.....we have no school so that is what counts!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy Bee!!!

Ok i barely have time to post this post i am so busy. lol i constantly have algebra homework and my German teacher thinks that we already know how to speak German fluently!!! so we have to practically write stories in German!!! and in history we have homework every day and for science we have homework too. so i am like so busy even on the weekends. i dont even have time to eat.... i eat but i do my homework at the table.... and then i have soccer. ug i swear if this is what its like to be an adult..... i am going to die by the time i am 16 of a HEART ATTACK!!!!!!! lol ok lets be positive....ummmm...ummmm positive ...whats positive in my life.... ummmm....oh i ran a mile 2 min. faster than my age group!!! i am a good runner!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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there's the old mum and pop! jk lol
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pure bliss!
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EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!! the is touching me!!! ;)
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What? you cant be serious?!?! lol
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he is the cutest thing!
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mom and jonah!
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it is so green there!!!
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jack being spider man! ;)
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our trip to Ennis TX

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


hi!!! im board!!! im in housten texas with my aunt and her family !!! today we are going to just chill and relax and go to the pool! i cant wait!!! guess what!?!?!? a couple days ago i got home from california with my cousin and we went up staires to put our bags in or rooms and guess what?!?!!? my mom and dad had totally redesigned Jonah's and my room!!! Jonah's it loke a castle i swear all you have to add is the stone walls and it would look like a castle!!! and mine has like this huge picture of paris and a neting over my bed and my mom put up really pretty curtains. there is so much more but i cant really explain it so when i get home, i am going to take some pics and post them!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If only.... :P

everything fabulous except for that.... ok well i should tell the whole story. ok, about a week before we left, cousins house got robbed!!! they took his, wii, all of his games (he had like a million. I swear!!! ) the took laptop and all of his awesome stuff! they also has an x-box 360 but theydidnt take it!!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason ??? then a couple days later, he replaced all of the stuff they stole.... but then, a day later we arived , someone else broke in again!!! and took his x-box 360, his wii, they nocked down the awesome flat screen tv, spilled water every were and, they dumped out my brother's awsome "element" backpack and im guess they used it to put all the stuff in it! well now he gets another one:) lucky!!! i wish they took all of my clothes and i could totally get new clothes!!! if only!!! well too bad !;)

uggg!!! :)

omgosh!!! guess were i am?!?!?! i am in california with my cousin and brother!!! my brother and i flew from san antonio to california!!! it was so fun!!! i was so nervous that we would get lost or jonah would run off and get seperated from me and i would have to have to find him... any way, it was not bad at all! it was awesome! except for the fact that we had to wake up at 3:00 a.m.!!!! crazy!!! i was so tired/excited/nervous!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

he is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

micheal jackson cant be dead!!! no!!!!!!!!!! :P i just cant believe this i was just looking at at the myspace layouts for my blog, and there was a whole bunch of layouts saying "remembering the king of pop" with him singing in the background!!! ug!!! i would totally pick one of those but i think that it would be creepy!!! :) so i think that i will just post a pic


omgosh, i havent posted in so long!!! so mch has happened since the last day of school!!!

-i now live in a new house
-i have boxes up to my ears!!! (literaly!!!) :)
-jonah and i are flying to california on the 11th to visit my cousin cody for a month!!!
- my new room is awesome
-i have bangs!!!
-and i think that i am going to change the background or whatever on my blog :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


OMG!!! guess what!?!?!?!? it is the last day of school!!! and guess what else? we have bought a house. it is 4 bedroom, 2 bath, and it is......... two story!!!!! i am so excited! but, my mom has to go to all the way to San Antonio tonight, stay the night in a hotel, and then, tomorrow she will be signing all of the papers!!! and best of all(on my behalf), i will be staying with my best friend. Jessie. she is so cool, and awesome and cool and omg she can draw so good!!!! she is awesome!!! but any way if it wasn't for her, and her awesome parents, i wouldn't be able to go to the last day of school!!! (the best day of the year!!!!!!)(going to be in 8th grade!!! :) lol) oh yeah well got to go by :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1 1/2 days left of school!!!!!!!!!

OMG! i only have 1 1/2 days left of 7th grade! i am so excited to be able to say that i am in 8th grade!!! i remember i would pretend i was in eighth grade. and my friend and i would like walk to the park and right before we would get there i would say, "ok, if any one askes what grade i am in, say 8th!" wow how pathetic! well i am so ready for summer. however, i am also going to miss all of my friends that i have gained through out these three months! it has been such a great expiriance here in wichita falls, TX i will be so sad to leave. but i know that i will again aquire new friends!!!

8th grade here i c

ome!!! lol

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I am feeling....

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

The Three Mosquitoes

this is one of my favorite pictures that i got. We are at my friend Jessie's farm. she has horses, cows, chickens, donkies, snakes, bunnies, and two ponds on her 13 1/2 acher farm!!!! it was so fun

we hooked her 4 wheeler up to her trailer and me and sahira sat it on the trailer and she went really fast!!!! i nearly fell of (a couple of times) it had also rained the previous night so it was really muddy!!!!! this picture was just at the begining. when we got really dirty was when we had to put our cameras away, I was dreanched with mud. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I finally fixed my settings, so you can now comment. :) i cannot wain until summer!!!! i am boiling with excitement!!! i am so excited. but i am also dreading that we have to move AGAIN!!! i am dreading the moment when we leave... well bye

Friday, April 17, 2009

omg(osh) LOL

O my gosh, this week has gone by so fast, my cousin Cody and my great grandfather have been here since last Thursday. Again, it has gone by so slow. I have been working on this huge assignment for English. I is so frustrating.
Well today, after school , we went to the store. Each of us got to pick something that we wanted from the store... we got home, got pizza, watched some "CSI New York" then, we watched and episode of "LOST," now i am going on facebook :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"My Own Private Utopia"

Journal Prompt: A utopia according to Websters dictionary is "any place or state of ideal perfection." One person's utopia might be a country were discrimination does not exist and all life styles are tolerated. Another person's utopia might be a huge city full of clubs, theaters and, restaurants . What is your idea of utopia? If you could design the ideal society, what kind of laws would govern it? What it look like? What kind of people would live there?"

Well, first of all, there would be no child molesters, no rapists, no divorce no jealousy, no cussing, no gangs, no drugs, no guns, Homeless family's, no money(although that would be difficult to figure out what else you would trade.) and no war. There would only be peace, happiness and freedom to choose how you wish to live your life.
The landscape would be as green as green could get, there would be tall trees and large(none polluted) ponds, there would be every flower imaginable in the large green pastures. All homes would be equal, and everyone would appreciate with what the had.
Every one would be have in this happy, safe "utopia."

Journal Entries

Ok. So every day now, I have to write some kind of journal entry so that is why I wrote that gene thing yesterday and I am going to write another one today:)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Choosing Genes:

The Genes you receive from your mother and father have influenced the way you look and probably some characteristics of your personality. If you could choose which ones would you pick? Choose and describe three characteristics from each parent, and explain why you want them...

Well, One thing that I already know for sure that I would want is my dad's blue eyes. I love blue eyes (which reminds me.... one of my best friends Rachel has the most beautiful blue eyes!) that is one reason I have always hated her. jk LOL :)
Any way,one thing that I would want from my mom is, her teeth... hers are so straight. Mine are straight but, my top teeth have a gap between the two front.
Another thing that I wouldn't mind having of my dad's is his laugh. I know that it is kind of weird but I love his laugh. it is weird; I am a weird person anyway :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Let It Snow!!!

Last night it snowed!!! My mom woke me up at 7:00 and said"It snowed last night" I jumed out of my bed, looked out of my window,and ran to Jonah's room and woke him up.....
....... now, Jonah and I are going to go and race..... I am practicing on jumping over this hurdle that I made. Since I run the hurdles at school. Hopefully I will place at thtrack meet:)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring break Ends:(

that is going to be me tomorrow! :) LOL

Well, sadly, the week is over.... and tomorrow, I will return to school:( luckily, I don't have track practice tomorrow because we have to go to church. I am so not looking forward to getting up at 6:00a.m. tomorrow:( that is going to be very hard.

It is very windy and cold today. Not that much of a change. 
uhhhh I cant stop thinking about how miserable tomorrow is going to be!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Were did the Time go?!?!

Hello! I haven't posted any thing in a long time!!! gosh I don't know were the time went. With track every day after school, and homework, and studding and all that jazz. Well it has been raining for three days straight! so much rain! I love it. You know that smell right before it rains....? well if you do, I love that smell!
So its spring break....! I have to run a mile every day, because we have a track meet on the first Monday that we are back. All of the coaches say that we have to stay in shape. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to be going to the gym every day and run on the treadmill. I personally think that its easier to run on a treadmill than it is to run regular. I don't know why. I am so happy its spring break!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

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