Monday, April 6, 2009

Choosing Genes:

The Genes you receive from your mother and father have influenced the way you look and probably some characteristics of your personality. If you could choose which ones would you pick? Choose and describe three characteristics from each parent, and explain why you want them...

Well, One thing that I already know for sure that I would want is my dad's blue eyes. I love blue eyes (which reminds me.... one of my best friends Rachel has the most beautiful blue eyes!) that is one reason I have always hated her. jk LOL :)
Any way,one thing that I would want from my mom is, her teeth... hers are so straight. Mine are straight but, my top teeth have a gap between the two front.
Another thing that I wouldn't mind having of my dad's is his laugh. I know that it is kind of weird but I love his laugh. it is weird; I am a weird person anyway :)