Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"My Own Private Utopia"

Journal Prompt: A utopia according to Websters dictionary is "any place or state of ideal perfection." One person's utopia might be a country were discrimination does not exist and all life styles are tolerated. Another person's utopia might be a huge city full of clubs, theaters and, restaurants . What is your idea of utopia? If you could design the ideal society, what kind of laws would govern it? What it look like? What kind of people would live there?"

Well, first of all, there would be no child molesters, no rapists, no divorce no jealousy, no cussing, no gangs, no drugs, no guns, Homeless family's, no money(although that would be difficult to figure out what else you would trade.) and no war. There would only be peace, happiness and freedom to choose how you wish to live your life.
The landscape would be as green as green could get, there would be tall trees and large(none polluted) ponds, there would be every flower imaginable in the large green pastures. All homes would be equal, and everyone would appreciate with what the had.
Every one would be have in this happy, safe "utopia."