Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1 1/2 days left of school!!!!!!!!!

OMG! i only have 1 1/2 days left of 7th grade! i am so excited to be able to say that i am in 8th grade!!! i remember i would pretend i was in eighth grade. and my friend and i would like walk to the park and right before we would get there i would say, "ok, if any one askes what grade i am in, say 8th!" wow how pathetic! well i am so ready for summer. however, i am also going to miss all of my friends that i have gained through out these three months! it has been such a great expiriance here in wichita falls, TX i will be so sad to leave. but i know that i will again aquire new friends!!!

8th grade here i c

ome!!! lol