Saturday, February 28, 2009

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Today at the Park!

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Dont you just love COLOR

I thought this was cool :)

I just think that this is the coolest thing ever! :)

Its Friday!!!

Today is Friday! I am so excited! This week has gone by so slow....I think that is was the most boring week of my life! But it was fun and I enjoyed it at the same time.... weird :] lol. I am so exited to relax this weekend. I am going to make it as fun as I can... it wont be that hard;]

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today, I sprinted around the track once and I am so out of shape!!! I was exhausted I can barely talk, Got to go! sorry

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From this day on, I will Hate locks

Don't you see the hate in this little evil lock! It is EVIL!!! Every day I have to visit him. He protects people from breaking in to my locker. But, it seems to not know that I am Its owner and not some one trying to break in, half of the time he wont let me in to get my books, but, I am learning how to open him up. I enter these beautiful Numbers that some how force him to open :)

My Third Day of school

Well I must say, these school days are going by so slow! It seems like my millionth day at this school. Today was pretty smooth, first, went up stairs to put my note books in my locker, then i went to my first 4 subjects, then went to my locker again to get some stuff for my other classes ahead of me. Then after school, I went to my first track practice! It was so fun! They have like everything, hurdles, high jump, etc,etc. then Went to go and get everything out of my locker and took my lock home so I could practice opening it at home.

Friday, February 20, 2009

First Day Of School!

Well today was my first day of school. The School is so old fashioned, they have lockers, use chalk boards, and that's actually all but when your actually there, it seems a lot more old fashioned than it actually is.
Well about my name; Jessica, every body calls Arizona. I actually like it, I thinks its cute. The one thing that I am the most excited about is athletics. I am on a track team. That was one of my biggest dream, but its not a dream anymore. And theater class is WAY better than at my other school times one-million they have a whole auditorium and every thing and even a couple cute guys..... Any way, I love my school, Its great.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jonah-The Mild One

Jonah loves to skate board, read, play on the computer, play soccer, and swim

Jack- The Wild One

Well Jack is the wild one of the family. I swear he is going to be a comedian

Missing Flat Iron- Dead or Alive

Ahhhhh!!!!! My flat iron is missing. It was in my suitcase and now its gone! I need to have my flat iron to straighten my on my first day of school! I cant believe this. All chaos is breaking loose! Help!!!! I am breaking down:(

New School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uhh. I am so nervous. Tomorrow at 7:30 I am going to a new school. I hate going to new schools. It is the worst thing in the world. it went from the best day of my life to the worst. I hate school


Finally, we have arrived. After 4 days of traveling we are now in Texas!!! It is so beautiful. the rolling hills, the mild wind, the comfortable temperature are a dream come true. I have always wanted to live in Texas and now I do!

Today We Arrive

Today, after only 2 hours in the car, we will arrive in our designated location. I am so excited to wake up in the morning and not have to pack up all of our suitcases back in the van. (we have been staying in a hotel every night.) I am just so excited!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

How the Day Unraveled it self

Well, the day turned out how it was supposed to. First, we went to target for some basic supplies: toothbrushs, shoes for Jonah and looked at the ihomes. Then we went to walmart to check out the ihomes there and to get some ice cream from McDonalds- the ice cream machine was broken so we got on the highway and drove for a while until we saw another McDonalds. They were so good.

A couple hours later, Jonah and I watched "Get Smart" on his PSP. I absolutely love that movie. Then for a couple hours I just looked out of my window while listening to my ipod. The drive went as smooth as I had expected it to go :) YUMMMM!!!

A Long New Day

Its Monday! I personally hate Mondays but because my family is traveling I wont have to go to school until Wenesday! I hope the time goes by slow. Today, we are Starting from Albuquerque and driving to somewere in Texas. I dont know what town it is but its somewere in Texas.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

This is Me

Well there is much to say. I am 13 years old and enjoy music, photography, reading, traveling with my family, swimming, spending time with my family, and listening to my ipod. My Favorite colors are GREEN, PURPLE, and BLUE. I have two brothers named Jack and Jonah. Jonah is 9 and Jack is 4. They're both sweet but sometimes very annoying! :P
Well this blog is a very new thing for me. Most fo my friends have a blog. Rachel Ives, my inspiration has the coolest blog... her mothers blog was also a huge influence. She is anamazing photographer
Her mom says that i look alot like Bella swan from Twilight; what do you think about that?