Tuesday, July 28, 2009


hi!!! im board!!! im in housten texas with my aunt and her family !!! today we are going to just chill and relax and go to the pool! i cant wait!!! guess what!?!?!? a couple days ago i got home from california with my cousin and we went up staires to put our bags in or rooms and guess what?!?!!? my mom and dad had totally redesigned Jonah's and my room!!! Jonah's it loke a castle i swear all you have to add is the stone walls and it would look like a castle!!! and mine has like this huge picture of paris and a neting over my bed and my mom put up really pretty curtains. there is so much more but i cant really explain it so when i get home, i am going to take some pics and post them!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

If only.... :P

everything fabulous except for that.... ok well i should tell the whole story. ok, about a week before we left, cousins house got robbed!!! they took his, wii, all of his games (he had like a million. I swear!!! ) the took laptop and all of his awesome stuff! they also has an x-box 360 but theydidnt take it!!!!!!!!!!!! for some reason ??? then a couple days later, he replaced all of the stuff they stole.... but then, a day later we arived , someone else broke in again!!! and took his x-box 360, his wii, they nocked down the awesome flat screen tv, spilled water every were and, they dumped out my brother's awsome "element" backpack and im guess they used it to put all the stuff in it! well now he gets another one:) lucky!!! i wish they took all of my clothes and i could totally get new clothes!!! if only!!! well too bad !;)

uggg!!! :)

omgosh!!! guess were i am?!?!?! i am in california with my cousin and brother!!! my brother and i flew from san antonio to california!!! it was so fun!!! i was so nervous that we would get lost or jonah would run off and get seperated from me and i would have to have to find him... any way, it was not bad at all! it was awesome! except for the fact that we had to wake up at 3:00 a.m.!!!! crazy!!! i was so tired/excited/nervous!