Thursday, May 28, 2009


OMG!!! guess what!?!?!?!? it is the last day of school!!! and guess what else? we have bought a house. it is 4 bedroom, 2 bath, and it is......... two story!!!!! i am so excited! but, my mom has to go to all the way to San Antonio tonight, stay the night in a hotel, and then, tomorrow she will be signing all of the papers!!! and best of all(on my behalf), i will be staying with my best friend. Jessie. she is so cool, and awesome and cool and omg she can draw so good!!!! she is awesome!!! but any way if it wasn't for her, and her awesome parents, i wouldn't be able to go to the last day of school!!! (the best day of the year!!!!!!)(going to be in 8th grade!!! :) lol) oh yeah well got to go by :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1 1/2 days left of school!!!!!!!!!

OMG! i only have 1 1/2 days left of 7th grade! i am so excited to be able to say that i am in 8th grade!!! i remember i would pretend i was in eighth grade. and my friend and i would like walk to the park and right before we would get there i would say, "ok, if any one askes what grade i am in, say 8th!" wow how pathetic! well i am so ready for summer. however, i am also going to miss all of my friends that i have gained through out these three months! it has been such a great expiriance here in wichita falls, TX i will be so sad to leave. but i know that i will again aquire new friends!!!

8th grade here i c

ome!!! lol

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I am feeling....

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

The Three Mosquitoes

this is one of my favorite pictures that i got. We are at my friend Jessie's farm. she has horses, cows, chickens, donkies, snakes, bunnies, and two ponds on her 13 1/2 acher farm!!!! it was so fun

we hooked her 4 wheeler up to her trailer and me and sahira sat it on the trailer and she went really fast!!!! i nearly fell of (a couple of times) it had also rained the previous night so it was really muddy!!!!! this picture was just at the begining. when we got really dirty was when we had to put our cameras away, I was dreanched with mud. :)