Saturday, March 28, 2009

Let It Snow!!!

Last night it snowed!!! My mom woke me up at 7:00 and said"It snowed last night" I jumed out of my bed, looked out of my window,and ran to Jonah's room and woke him up.....
....... now, Jonah and I are going to go and race..... I am practicing on jumping over this hurdle that I made. Since I run the hurdles at school. Hopefully I will place at thtrack meet:)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring break Ends:(

that is going to be me tomorrow! :) LOL

Well, sadly, the week is over.... and tomorrow, I will return to school:( luckily, I don't have track practice tomorrow because we have to go to church. I am so not looking forward to getting up at 6:00a.m. tomorrow:( that is going to be very hard.

It is very windy and cold today. Not that much of a change. 
uhhhh I cant stop thinking about how miserable tomorrow is going to be!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Were did the Time go?!?!

Hello! I haven't posted any thing in a long time!!! gosh I don't know were the time went. With track every day after school, and homework, and studding and all that jazz. Well it has been raining for three days straight! so much rain! I love it. You know that smell right before it rains....? well if you do, I love that smell!
So its spring break....! I have to run a mile every day, because we have a track meet on the first Monday that we are back. All of the coaches say that we have to stay in shape. Tomorrow my mom and I are going to be going to the gym every day and run on the treadmill. I personally think that its easier to run on a treadmill than it is to run regular. I don't know why. I am so happy its spring break!!!